Make a contribution
In this section
How your donations help DHYP
Would provide an emergency pack of sanitary products and toiletries.
Would provide an emergency food pack for someone in need.
Would provide a pack of kitchen essentials for someone moving into their own home.
We use every penny from your donation to provide support
Make a difference today...
Doncaster Housing for Young People, C/O DHYP, Doncaster Foyer, Chequer Road, Doncaster DN1 2AA
We also welcome other donations
If you would like to make donation of food, sanitary products or toiletries, please drop them into our office at: DHYP, C/O Doncaster Foyer, Chequer Road, Doncaster, DN1 2AA
We also welcome donations of dried and tinned food that we can give to young people experiencing hardship - for example, someone waiting for a Universal Credit application to be assessed who has little or no money to buy food.
Sanitary products
We also welcome donations of sanitary products which we can give out in an emergency - which unfortunately we see all too regularly and which can be particularly distressing.
We also appreciate toiletry donations such as toothpaste, soap, shower gel and deodorants which we can also give young people experiencing hardship.
Thank you!
All donations make a real difference